If you have an entrepreneurial spirit and are looking for a work from
home gig that doesn't cost anything to join (unless you're outside of
our 13 state foot print , then it's $19.90 a month ) . Anyone can do
this. You just enter your zip code check to see if we are in your area
and then join as a Representative or a Customer . Being a Rep allows you
the advantage of earning top commission and enjoy rank advancement as
you share and teach others to do the same. With the deregulation of
electricity happening right now in our day and time I don't care who you
are or how much money you're making, you'd be foolish to let this pass
you by. Never before has there been an opportunity like this to make
money and share with others by helping them to save money on their
utilities. By using green energy produced from our own natural resources
we can help reduce our use of fossil fuels , eliminate nuclear plants
and block foreign trade thereby helping our economy one
household/business at a time.
Ladies and Gentleman, this is no joke. It is not a get rich quick
scheme. You get out of it what you put into it. Potential six-figure
income for the motivated individual who desires advancement in an
up-and-coming company. If you understand unlimited earnings with no
earnings cap and aren't afraid of straight commission, you might be
right for us. We are looking for independent-minded individuals who can
be laser-focused on the task at hand. In success, you will receive
steadily growing and reliable residual overrides on thousands of energy
accounts which you retain even after you leave us. The successful
candidate will grasp our concept, learn our 21st century marketing
methods, then recruit, teach and motivate a large field force which we
will help you create. The online and in-person training program is
already in place. You will work with seasoned veterans who are tops in
their field.
I wouldn't be sitting here on my bed writing you from my heart ,
telling you about this if it didn't work. TAKE ACTION NOW! I've been
with this company for a year . Most work from home companies don't work .
They're a big waste of time and money . And, trust me I've been there ,
done that; basically kicked myself in the rear for ever thinking I
could ever make money on the Internet . It wasn't that I wanted things
easy , I just knew it could be done so WHY NOT. Plus, I enjoy it . It
beats the heck out of just sitting on Facebook all day making squat when
you could be building a lifetime residual income that would allow you
the freedom to spend more time with your family and/or vacation to
destinations you've always dreamed of seeing but never thought possible.
With this opportunity there's a chance here for regular people like you
and I to finally see more month at the end of our money :).
Ladies and Gentleman BP (yes the BP that spent billions of dollars
cleaning up their spill in the ocean ) has given us an unlimited amount
of green energy supply which means jobs either building these solar
farms or wind farms, which we call American Wind.
On top of it all we pay you to join if you're within the 13 state
footprint that we currently have clearance to conduct business in as an
Electric Company . That's the beauty of this . We're only three years
old and as soon as we can finish cutting through all the red tape for
all 53 states can you imagine the magnitude of how big this thing is
going to be .
One final thought; you can believe what you want and you can
listen to gossip, this is not going to be for everyone and I get that .
But, for those of you who are visionaries and know in your gut when you
see a good thing all I can say is, whether you think you can or
whether you think you can't ... you're exactly right.
We function as a team. Go to my website.... check out all the
information we have available....watch the video....and learn more about
this exciting opportunity.
GOT QUESTIONS? My name and number are at the top of my page
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